Les Phrasal Verbs TOEIC

Les verbes à particule Anglais les plus courants au TOEIC

Les Phrasal Verbs en anglais – les verbes à particule, font partie du  vocabulaire essentiel du TOEIC.

Voici les 99 Phrasal Verbs TOEIC les plus courants du test. Apprenez, répétez et révisez-les pour augmenter votre score.

Accédez à tous les thèmes de vocabulaire TOEIC que vous trouverez dans les questions du test.

Y compris les verbes à particule, ces fiches de révisions couvrent le vocabulaire anglais à connaître pour optimiser votre score :

Ecoutez et révisez les 250 mots de vocabulaire TOEIC les plus courants.

De A à Z, découvrez plus de 1800 mots d’anglais des affaires. 

TOUS les thèmes de vocabulaire TOEIC


Find out Apprendre, découvrir 
get startedCommencer 
go ahead y aller
stand out ressortir
Think about penser à / penser de / réfléchir à
Scroll down faire defiler vers le bas
look for chercher
move on avancer, passer à autre chose
miss out rater, passer à coté de 
check in se présenter à l’enregistrement 
Carry on  continuer
Bring up  Evoquer
hear back Avoir des nouvelles de
work out Solutionner 
Take care of  Prendre soin de, faire, s’occuper de 
call off  Annuler
Drop off  Déposer 
Look forward to Attendre avec impatience
take over Remplacer / prendre la relève
reach out Contacter
See to S’occuper de
Call back rappeler
move in Emménager
Come up with Trouver, imaginer, inventer 
Look after S’occuper de
Put up with Supporter, tolérer
Leave out Omettre / oublier 
Let down Décevoir 
switch on Mettre en marche,  allumer 
Call in Passer, passer voir 
Take off Décoller / enlever
go back Retourner 
Let know Informer, tenir informé 
pick up Aller chercher, ramasser 
break down Tomber en panne 
run throughNe plus rester, être à court de 
hold on Attendre 
get rid off Se débarrasser 
try on / out Essayer
make it Faire, venir 
figure out Comprendre / calculer
head for Se diriger vers
cut back Réduire, diminuer
catch up Rattraper 
get through S’en sortir, faire 
fill in Remplir 
get on Avancer 
Look up Rechercher 
hand in Rendre
look into Examiner, rechercher
Stand alone Autonome, indépendant  
mix up Confondre, mélanger 
put off Remettre à plus tard
run out S’épuise, ne plus rester, etre à court de 
sort out Régler / s’occuper de
check out Régler sa note / quitter l’hotel
take back Reprendre 
hang on Attendre
switch on / off Allumer, mettre en marche / eteindre, arrêter 
leave on Oublier / omettre 
hand out Distribuer
talk through Expliquer / prévenir
think over (bien) réfléchir 
join up S’inscrire 
clear up Ranger, clarifier  
deal with s’occuper de / traiter de
agree uponSe mettre d’accord 
aim for Viser 
bear with Patienter 
put together Monter, assembler, organiser 
come back Revenir 
throw away Jeter
Set aside Mettre de coté 
Account for Justifier, expliquer 
settle in Etre à l’aise, s’installer 
turn down Refuser 
phase in Introduire progressivement 
stick to Se tenir à
eat out Sortir diner 
come forward Se manifester, se proposer 
send back Renvoyer 
pass on transmettre
sign in S’enregistrer, émarger 
log on / off Se connecter / se deconnecter 
enter into S’inscrire 
rule out Exclure
let in  Faire entrer / laisser entrer
bring back Rapporter / ramener
apply to Postuler à 
join in Participer (à)
go outSortir 
finish off Terminer / finir
give upAbandonner 
shop around Comparer le prix 
go along Suivre, accepter 
Come across Trouver par hasard, donner le sentiment d’être 
point out Montrer / faire remarquer
hang up Raccrocher 
help out Venir en aide

Phrasal verbs TOEIC en pratique :

Let’s find out 
Let’s get started. 
Go ahead and hit subscribe.
Phrasal verbs stand out. 
That’s a lot to think about. 
Scroll down the page. 
Look for phrasal verbs directly. 
It’s time to move on to the list. 
They missed out on a great opportunity. 
Please check-in at the front desk.
Could you carry on with this filing? 
I’ll bring those points up at the meeting.
It’s great to hear back from you so soon. 
We should be able to work out a solution. 
Could you ask Peter to take care of it? 
The event was called off due to bad weather. 
Can you drop the package off at the office? 
I look forward to meeting you next week. 
Ken will take over with immediate effect. 
Thanks for reaching out, we’re here to help. 
Can you ask IT to see to the slow connection? 
I’m afraid he is unavailable. Can you call back? 
We’re hoping to move in at the end of the month. 
Let’s see what ideas we can come up with. 
Could you look after our guests? 
We won’t be able to put up with it much longer. 
ensure nothing is left out of the report. 
I’ll do my best not to let the team down. 
Check the connections before switching it on. 
Could you call in to see me before you leave? 
The plane should take off in around 15 minutes. 
Martin went back to the office. 
I’ll let you know as soon as possible. 
Your dry-cleaning is ready for you to pick up. 
The machinery has broken down twice this month. 
Can you run through the contract? 
Hold on a moment and I’ll transfer your call. 
Are you going to get rid of the old machine? 
I like that shirt, can I try it on?  
I’m sorry, I can’t make it this evening. 
Did the consultant figure out a solution? 
Folks will be heading to the coast this weekend. 
They made a loss despite cutting back. 
I’ll catch up on my accounts this evening. 
we’ve got a lot to get through. 
Could you fill in your details here? 
I need to get on with this report. 
Could you look up the client’s reference? 
Did you hear that Roger handed in his notice? 
That’s something we’ll have to look into
The software is a stand alone application. 
Some of the orders got mixed up. 
I can’t put off going to the dentist any longer. 
We don’t want to run out of paper again. 
There are still many issues to sort out. 
The guest checked out over an hour ago. 
I bought the wrong size suit so I took it back. 
hang on, I’ll be right with you. 
Did you switch off the light when you left? 
Please don’t leave your computer on overnight. 
I’ll begin by handing out a copy of the schedule. 
I’ll talk the idea through with my team. 
Give me a few days to think the plan over.
Join up to your local environment group today. 
After the party we spent two hours clearing up. 
My colleague is dealing with your complaint. 
Can we agree upon a convenient delivery date? 
Let’s aim for completion in the last quater.  
Please bear with us, an enquiry is underway. 
Marketing has put together a strong proposal. 
The CEO only came back from Oslo yesterday. 
Don’t throw those away, we can recycle them. 
Can you set aside some resouces from the budget?  
We’ll need to account for the loss of work days. 
You’ll have time to settle in when you start the job. 
The union turned down the board’s proposition. 
The new software was phased in progressively. 
We didn’t manage to stick to the schedule. 
We generally eat out once a week in town. 
No one came forward to claim the reward. 
The items were damaged, so I sent them back. 
Thanks for calling, I’ll pass on your message.
Could you ask our Japanese visitors to sign in?  
Enter your surname and password to log on. 
We can’t enter into negotiations at this stage. 
It’s too early to rule anything out yet. 
You’ll need a security pass to let the visitors in 
Please bring all undelivered items back to the depot. 
These rules apply to all staff and outside visitors.  
Come and join in the fun at the product launch. 
I’m going out to lunch with some colleagues. 
Sandra should have finished the audit by now. 
Actually, I gave up smoking a few years ago. 
I think we should shop around for a better deal. 
I’m sure the board won’t go along with that. 
He came across the solution by chance. 
I pointed out some errors on their invoice. 
After holding for ten minutes, they just hung up. 
I’m pleased to have been able to help out.